Transfiguration of Our Lord

Parish Mission Statement

We are God’s instruments who strive to grow by sharing and nurturing our joint commitment to Christ’s message of love. And by committing ourselves to serve the needs of the parish as stewards for the sake of God’s kingdom


Transfiguration of Our Lord Church welcomes everyone in our community to participate in our parish events and celebrations .

Novena of Cancer

Mass every Tuesday at 9:30am. After the Mass, we pray a novena to Saint Michael of the Saints. A Trinitarian mystic and patron saint of cancer patients. We will pray for all who are affected by cancer and pray for prevention of getting this illness.

Knights of Columbus – May 11

The Spring Social & Donations Night hosted by the Knights of Columbus is on Saturday, May 11, at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Ticket price is $30 per person (cash bar). See bulletin for more information.

Roses for Mother’s Day

The Catholic Women’s league will be selling ROSES at all morning Masses this Sunday in celebration of Mother’s Day. All proceeds from the sale will go to help our parish. Thank you for your support.

Good Shepherd Casserole Dates

April 27/28 and May 25/26. Our program feeds the poor and disadvantaged. If you are interested in becoming a member please call our office at 416-247-0513.

ShareLife – April 28 | June 2

ShareLife Sunday marks the collection of our parish’s annual campaign. Everyday, young people in our community need a helping hand due to homelessness, trafficking or violence. ShareLife agencies ensure the safety of youth fleeing violent homes and provide them a supporting place. Please give at the parish using the ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at

Chapel Adoration “Spiritual Walk-in Clinic”

Our parish is honoured with an opportunity to have an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 24 hours/day, 7 days/week exposed in our chapel for the last 21 years. If you would like to commit one hour a week, please leave your name and contact number in the parish office. All are welcome to come and pray.

This is particularly true at Fatima and Lourdes, as it is at these great Marian sanctuaries that there are large processions in which the Eucharist is carried, and in which a bishop as a rule blessed the sick. On these occasions tremendous miraculous cures are brought about, both physical and spiritual. Just to mention one physical cure out of tens of thousands that have taken place over the years: Mary Tessier was desperately ill with tuberculosis peritonitis when she was brought to Lourdes. She had been confined to bed for three years and was in constant pain and hemorrhaging, and the doctors gave her no hope whatsoever. She was cured during the procession of the Blessed Sacrament, and her cure has been accepted by the Medical Bureau in Lourdes. (Gerald Francis, continuation from last week)

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